Taniyah Frederick
Third Grade, Colonial Drive Elementary
Despite academic struggles in the past, Taniyah has changed her
attitude and effort and is now part of the Honor Roll and helps lead
her peers in class and after school. She assists her teachers, assists in
the cafeteria making sure students leave their area clean, helps raise
the flags, waters the school garden, and is the first student to arrive at
school every day. Taniyah has an active role in the safety of her
school and through her duties as a Safety Patrol. She helps greet all
those who enter the school, including new students who are often
scared and lost but Taniyah makes sure to be their guiding light.
Recently, she noticed a student in distress who confided a private
struggle to Taniyah who then immediately informed her teacher in
private and the student was able to call home. She also assisted a
student who had gotten injured during a fall and reported an older
boy who was bullying a young girl. At home, Taniyah helps clean and
cook and makes sure her grandparents are well taken care of. By
making the wellbeing of others a priority, Taniyah does the right
thing every day.