Anna Fridkin
Twelfth Grade, Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High
Since the 5th grade, Anna’s commitment to community service has been part of the legacy she hopes to leave behind. She became the President of her middle school chapter of the Kiwanis club and coordinated her first community service project, “Cereal 4 Smiles”- a drive for cereal boxes for a Food Bank in South Miami. Flash forward to today, Anna has over 1,200 community service hours and over 8 years of involvement in leadership positions including President of Student Government, the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism, Kiwanis Key Club and participates in Mu Alpha Theta and Future Medical Professionals. She coordinates weekly community service projects at her school ranging from making dog toys for the Human Society, to creating monthly awareness projects for diseases such as Breast Cancer and Alzhimer’s, to working with Feeding South Florida and packaging over 12,900 meals for the homeless. In partnership with Lynn Wolfson, Anna began a drive for medical supplies at her school and plans to help provide resources for individuals with Hirschsprung’s disease. As president of Key Club she helped ran a book drive to help her peers prepare for exams and also created a library where students could exchange childhood books for more challenging reads with the former being donated to an elementary school. Ana also provides weekly math tutoring to assist her peers and was vocal in advocating for mental health during and after the pandemic. She does all of this while managing a rigorous AP course load on her way to continue serving the community in the future as a pediatrician. Anna will surely continue making a difference by modeling the values of gratitude, humility, and leadership.