Every month, DO THE RIGHT THING honors children in Miami who distinguish themselves by their positive behavior.

TOP WINNER each month in middle or high school wins a TRIP TO WASHINGTON, D.C.
TOP WINNER each month in elementary school wins a TRIP TO RAPIDS WATER PARK.
TOP 10 NOMINEES each month receive special recognition & prizes at a Miami Police Department ceremony.
ALL NOMINEES get a DO THE RIGHT THING T-SHIRT, certificate of recognition and congratulatory letter, two tickets to a Miami Marlins game, a Papa John’s certificate, and DTRT bumper sticker.

Please note:

Schools can nominate up to 15 students per month.
-If a student has already been nominated at any point during the school year, they cannot be nominated again until the next school year.
-If a student has won Top 10 at any point in previous years, they are ineligible to be picked for Top 10 again.

Submission Options

Fill in Online Form Below & Click Submit

September – April:  20th of each month unless otherwise noted (if the 20th falls on the weekend then the deadline is the Friday before)

"*" indicates required fields

Name of Child (First, Last)*
DTRT Coordinator Name*
Your Name*
(please be specific, a minimum of four sentences and a maximum of 500 words is required. Include details such as academic performance, community service, hobbies, clubs, awards/honors, special character traits, etc.) Student may only be nominated once per school year and must be nominated by an adult (18 years and older). Students cannot be selected as a Top 10 Winner more than one time.
Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, Max. file size: 5 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.