Anaya Cuellar
Ninth Grade, Keys Gate Charter High School
Recently Anaya and Alejandro’s school was placed on lockdown due
to a threat of violence made against their school. Despite it ending up
a false alarm, the situation was extremely stressful for the entire
school and community. During the incident several students started
to panic and cry. This is when Anaya and Alejandro stepped up for
their classmates. They showed grace, poise and maturity in a truly
terrifying situation. A few classmates were becoming increasingly
upset, and they both made the effort to comfort them and assure them
that they would be ok. While Anaya helped calm one of her friends
who was in a panic, Alejandro helped move cabinets and bookcases to
provide shelter for his classmates and made sure to let the boys know
that it was ok to be upset and not worry about looking tough. The
boys said he was like a dad for them in that moment and they
expressed their gratitude afterward. Anaya and Alejandro proceeded
to offer words of encouragement and hope to the entire class which
helped calm the tension. Despite the uncertainty and alarm at the
time, both these students put aside their own fear to be a source of
strength for their classmates. The whole class voted them as the
“Heroes of the Day” and thanks to these two students this class is
forever a family.