Award Winner

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Anthony Fernandez

Eighth Grade, Hialeah Gardens Middle
Washington, D.C. Trip Winner

Recently, two students were involved in a serious altercation during a soccer game at school that left one student unconscious. Anthony, Manuel, and Cesar all played a part in assisting with deescalating the situation and making sure the student that was knocked unconscious was safe until medical assistance arrived. Anthony took the remaining student away from the situation and to the office to ensure that further escalation didn’t occur. Manuel and Cesar then assisted the unconscious student. When they realized the student was unresponsive, they ran to get the coach and made sure to keep other students at a safe distance while medical assistance arrived. These student heroes did the right thing during a very stressful situation by remaining calm, looking for help, and providing first aid. Thanks to their quick thinking and actions, the situation subsided and the student was able to recover.