Award Winner

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Ethan Garcia

Seventh Grade, Paul W. Bell Middle
Washington, D.C. Trip Winner

Ethan is a student in the ESE program who embodies the qualities of kindness, humility, and bravery. Ethan’s efforts and determination are commendable. Despite facing challenges, he never lets his difficulties define him. Instead, he chooses to focus on being of service to others, always displaying an eagerness to help and a respectful demeanor in class. Recently he came to the aid of a fellow student with emotional and behavioral challenges during a potentially dangerous situation. Ethan didn’t hesitate to assist the student and recognized the need for compassion and understanding. Instead of turning a blind eye or avoiding the situation, Ethan approached the student with genuine kindness. Ethan’s actions showcased his remarkable ability to connect with others. His genuine concern for the student’s well-being allowed him to address the situation appropriately. His willingness to assist teachers, organize materials, and lend a helping hand continues to speak volumes about his character. In a world where self-centeredness often prevails, Ethan’s selflessness and empathy stand out as a beacon of hope and inspiration to all.