Award Winner

DTRT 102121-34

Lia Sanjuan

Eighth Grade, Arvida Middle School

Lia is an outgoing student who engages in positive interactions with everyone she meets. She has chosen to be a peer counselor and is making a big contribution to improving her school culture. Recently she witnessed a case of cyberbullying and quickly made the correct choice to inform a trusted adult. Lia saw a cyberbullying post on social media that was posted by a student in the school. She stepped in and immediately followed the bullying prevention reporting protocols. She located a school counsellor to report the incident and gave the photos of the post to administration. Her actions assisted in getting the post removed immediately and in protecting a student and getting help for the bully. Her efforts saved the target from further embarrassment and teasing from his peers. She also assisted students in her peer counseling class with preparing a PowerPoint presentation to address bullying at her school. Lia presents with a positive personality and offers to help her peers during class when they are struggling. She truly enjoys helping others and will volunteer when there is an opportunity. Lia is a role model for her peers and a shining example of what it means to do the right thing.