Award Winner

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Nathen Reyes

Tenth Grade, Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial High
Washington, D.C. Trip Winner

On September 1st, Nathen’s ordinary day took an unexpected turn during the last school period. He was teaching new freshmen and sophomores about the traditional school pinning ceremony when he noticed a young girl feeling dizzy and struggling to maintain her balance as she headed back to the class. Without hesitation, Nathen sprang into action and caught the student just before she fell, making sure she didn’t hurt her head when she hit the ground. He carefully placed her on the floor, ensuring her breathing was okay. In the midst of this crisis, Nathen quickly asked another student to find an adult and called 911. He stayed with the girl, trying to wake her up but she fell unconscious. When she finally woke up, she was anxious and afraid, but Nathen remained by her side, comforting her, explaining what happened, and assuring her that help was on the way. Nathen stayed with the girl until rescue personnel and her parents arrived, offering unwavering support throughout the ordeal. Nathan did the right thing by immediately jumping into action during a medical emergency and demonstrating compassion and care for his fellow classmate.