Award Winner

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Rebeca Ruiz

Fifth Grade, Johnnie M. Parris Colonial Drive Elementary

Rebeca is a great student, having earned Perfect Attendance and Principal’s Honor Roll this school year. She always has time to help others in her classroom and her teachers know they can always count on her to look out for the well-being of her peers. Recently in the cafeteria, Rebeca witnessed a quickly escalating argument between two students waiting in line. Rebeca did not see the cafeteria monitor nearby and took it upon herself to do the right thing and intervene to stop these students from continuing to fight and then reported the incident to an adult. Rebeca has also shown compassion when she noticed a classmate crying during P.E. who had been bullied by other students. She stood up and confronted the bullies and they ceased their taunting of the other student. At home, Rebeca takes care of her younger sibling after school and during a recent incident saved her sister when she accidentally was riding her bike into oncoming traffic. Rebeca is truly a role model that has earned the respect of her peers and teachers alike.