Rose Golatt
Fifth Grade, Colonial Drive Elementary
Rose has a great heart and is always ahead of the game. At a recent
assembly, Rose not only led the Pledge of Allegiance but also received the Most Improved, Citizenship, and Courage Awards. During her safety patrol duties, Rose assisted a little boy who slipped and fell. As a safety patrol, Rose takes her duties seriously and always goes above and beyond to assist visitors and students alike. In class, Rose is dependable and reliable and can always be counted on by her classmates. She recently overheard two students who wanted to fight with a newly arrived student and immediately notified her teacher who sent the students to the counselor. Rose then took the new student under her wing and even helps her learn English. At home, Rose is instrumental with the care of her father and grandmother who both have significant medical and physical needs. She also helps her family’s food service by packaging jars and assisting with transactions. Rose always jumps at the opportunity to help or volunteer whether at school or church, and leads by example to encourage others to do the right thing just like her.