Congratulations to the March and April 2021 Top 10 Winners! The ceremony was held on Wednesday, May 12th, 2021 at the Chief Clarence Dickson Police College Auditorium. Congratulations to these students for always doing the right thing!

Congratulations to Ameerah Balogun from School for Advanced Studies Homestead Campus for being the high school Special Recognition Winner and winning a trip to Washington, D.C. with DTRT for April!
Not pictured: Santiago Paz-Alba, Coral Reef Elementary
Hazel Clark, Keys Gate Charter School, Rapids Water Park Trip winner for March
Marco Correa and Daniela Cutosi, Norman S. Edelcup Sunny Isles Beach K-8, Washington, D.C. trip winners for March
James Richardson and Armando Suarez, Dr. William A. Chapman Elementary
Miral Gonzalez, Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Elementary, Rapids Water Park Trip winner for April